It’s back!
AARM 50+2 was such a success, we are going to do it again, and again, and again…….
just on a slightly smaller scale.
The Edmonton Rocketry Club is proud to be hosting AARM-53 this summer.
Saturday, July 15 & Sunday, July 16, 2023
10:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Calmar, Alberta
Two days.
Seven events.
We hope to see you there.
Launch Site Location:
Large open field next to the Royal Canadian Legion parking lot, 4815 – 47 Street, Calmar, AB T0C 0V0
(Click HERE for Directions to Launch Site)
Registration fees:
Contestant Registrations will take place onsite on the days of the contest.
- ERC members: $5
- Non ERC Members: $10
- Non CAR members: an additional $5 (for launch insurance)
Competition Categories:
1. 1/4 A - Parachute Duration
2. B - Streamer Duration
3. B - Boost Glide Duration
4. D - Egg Loft Altitude
5. A - Altitude
6. Open Spot Landing
7. CFR Static Pageant (Non-Flying)
Each category will have:
Seniors competition, which is anyone 18 years old and up.
Juniors competition, which is under 18 years old.
All categories will be open both days for attempts. You will be allowed two attempts in each category.
General Competition Rules:
1. All participants must register before competing.
2. All flights will comply with CAR Model Rocket Safety Code.
3. All contest participants will be allowed a maximum of 2 flights for each category.
4. A new flight card must be completed and submitted to the Judges before each flight. One flight card cannot be used for multiple events or multiple flights.
5. Flights may be undertaken at any time during the two days of the contest.
6. For all flight events except Open Spot Landing, the complete model must be returned to the Judges table in a complete and re-flyable condition in order for the flight result to be accepted.
7. Only parachute or streamer recovery will be allowed for events that do not specifically identify recovery method.
8. All rocket components must remain connected upon landing for all categories, except for the Boost Glide event.
9. The Contest Judges ruling is final.
Specific Category/Event Rules:
a) Duration Events
Two designated timers will perform the timing for each flight. The maximum of the two times measured will be entered for each valid flight.
b) Altitude Events
Altimeters are available from ERC on the day of the launch or participants may use their own. Zeroing of the device prior to flight must be witnessed by the event Judge. The altimeter must be returned and read by the Judge. The flier is responsible for reimbursing ERC for lost or damaged club altimeters that they have used, ($40 each). See the example below for a payload bay to protect the altimeter.
c) Egg Loft
The egg (Grade A Large) payload will be provided by ERC.
The egg capsule must be opened in front of the event Judge. The egg must be undamaged for the flight to be valid. See the example below for a payload bay to protect the altimeter.
d) Boost Glide
Multiple glide vehicles launched simultaneously on one pod is not permitted.
The glider and boost pod must be returned after the flight to the Judges table in order for the flight to be deemed valid.
e) Open Spot Landing
The target point will be determined on the first day of AARM, and will remain fixed at this location for the duration of the event. The target point location may change if deemed necessary by the Contest Director for safety purposes.
Position of the landed rocket relative to the target point will be established after each flight, and recorded at the end of each day.
Any stable flying model rocket and motor combination may be used for this event.
Contestants may use their own launch equipment.
Aiming of launch rods or rails must comply with CAR safety rules.
f) CFR Static Pageant
This event involves the static display of entered model rockets, with all AARM 53 attendees voting for which rocket they think is the coolest freakin rocket by a Senior and by a Junior participant.
A valid entry in this event is considered to be a single rocket, flight capable or otherwise.
Voting will be by marked ballot. All spectators onsite that wish to vote, must request a ballot from the Contest Director. At the same time you will also be entered in a draw to win a prize.
All event competitors will have already received a voting ballot, as part of the registration process for AARM 53.
The ballot form will allow you to cast your vote for the rocket entered by a Junior and by a Senior, that you think best meets the following categories:
· Most closely resembles a real life rocket
· Nicest paint job or decoration
· Most futuristic or sci-fi
· Your personal favourite
You are allowed to vote for the same rocket in multiple categories.
Voting will only occur on Day 2 of AARM 53.
A (Altitude) and D (Egg Loft Altitude) competitions require altimeters:
Altimeter events must use a PerfectFlite FireFly altimeter. ERC will have an inventory of PerfectFlite FireFly altimeters for competition use but competitors are free to provide their own. These altimeters will fit inside a Estes B20 Body Tube. The altimeter size is: 28mm L x 17.3mm W x 7.9mm H. These altimeters are not in a protective casing and can get damaged from ejection gasses.
For best results, the altimeter should be installed in a separate payload compartment, sealed from the pressure and heat of the ejection charge gasses. An example below shows a protected avionics bay that can be built as part of a rocket for the competitions to protect sensitive electronic altimeters. Participants are free to develop a different design as they see fit, as long as the altimeter is protected. Also one or more static pressure sampling holes are required to allow outside air pressure to be sampled by the altimeter.
Photo of the PerfectFlite Firefly Altimeter
All the best in building your rocket for the event class you wish to participate in :)
AARM History:
The Annual Alberta Regional Meet (AARM) is a provincial Alberta Model Rocketry Competition with seven separate event categories for both adults and youth to compete in. AARM-1 was the first ever Regional Rocket Competition held in Canada on July 11 & 12, 1970 near Morinville, Alberta.
AARM-50+2 was a great success! Thank you to all who were able to join us! To read all about it, please take a look at our AARM-50+2 Special Edition Newsletter here.
If you are on Facebook, please follow our AARM Page!
Link is below.